ProEdu Consulting Custom Education Solutions - page 8

10 Estrategias para enseñar a tus hijos a manejar el miedo y la ansiedad.

10 Estrategias para enseñar a tus hijos a manejar el miedo y la ansiedad.

10 ESTRATEGIAS PARA ENSEÑAR A NUESTROS HIJOS A MANEJAR EL MIEDO Y LA ANSIEDAD.  “ La  ansiedad y los miedos son fenómenos universales que forman parte del desarrollo humano y por ende de los problemas cotidianos de la infancia” El Mundo en que vivimos es…

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Praising our children can be challenging

Praising our children can be challenging

We want to share this very interesting article from Judy Willis, M.D, M.E.d in that talks about how praising our children can be more challenging than we think.  While we praise our children, we should focus more on abilities, progress, effort, promoting more perseverance,…

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Learning Activities that Connect with Multiple Intelligences

Learning Activities that Connect with Multiple Intelligences

We really like the checklists put together by Diane Connell in an excerpt from her book Brain-Based Strategies to Reach Every Learner. In this excerpt titled “Clip & Save Checklist: Learning Activities That Connect With Multiple Intelligences”, she provides checklists to help teachers provide a “multiple intelligence…

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Time To Play!!!!! The Benefits of Play in Childhood Development

Time To Play!!!!! The Benefits of Play in Childhood Development

The benefits of play are great — research provides more and more evidence of the positive effects play has on child development. Unstructured play helps children learn how to work in groups, to share, to negotiate, to resolve conflicts, to regulate their emotions and behavior,…

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14 Tips for Helping Children with Emotional Intelligence

14 Tips for Helping Children with Emotional Intelligence

What can we do to help our children develop emotional intelligence? Here are 14 tips for Helping Children with Emotional Intelligence: 1.  Accept our children’s emotions and emotional responses. 2.  Help children label their emotions. 3.  Encourage children to talk about their feelings. 4.  Help…

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Modeling Emotions for Your Kids

Modeling Emotions for Your Kids

It’s necessary for parents to remember that our emotions are very important; our kids will model our emotional responses to things. Watch this short video from Sociologist & Happiness Expert Christine Carter, PhD to learn why it is so important:

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Stretching Students Empathy – Emotional Intelligence

Stretching Students Empathy – Emotional Intelligence

When considering social awareness and relationship skills as key components to develop Emotional Intelligence, empathy takes huge importance. Empathy is the ability to understand and feel for another person’s feelings and concerns.  It’s the powerful emotion that prevents violent and cruel behaviors among people.  It…

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Social Emotional Learning: Parent Resources

Social Emotional Learning: Parent Resources

Social Emotional Learning, or emotional intelligence matters for school achievement, job success, marital happiness, and physical health. Modeling Emotional Intelligent behaviors at home is key in raising emotionally intelligent children. Our role is to raise a child able to manage his or her emotions, in…

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Take a quick glance at Emotional Intelligence. It is very important!

Take a quick glance at Emotional Intelligence. It is very important!

“All learning has an emotional base.” — Plato Emotional Intelligence is a theory that has been included in education topics for years now. But what is emotional intelligence? And why is it such an important topic that schools have to be aware of? “Emotional intelligence…

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PTA National Standards Promoting Family-School Partnerships

PTA National Standards Promoting Family-School Partnerships

What can a school do to improve family-school partnerships? See the five PTA National Standards that will promote this partnership.

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