Why we need to reevaluate our students schedules?

Why we need to reevaluate our students schedules?

So… this is what we get when education is focused only in academic skills and highly demanding programs… when we fill our children schedules like crazy, when we look for tutors to get a higher score in tests. We forget that Social and emotional skills are main predictors of our children success in life (personal and professional).
We do need to teach them what is Emotional Intelligence …  but they also  need to have enough time to develop those skills. How much free interaction time they get to have to be with friends and develop empathy skills? solve problems? or with family? or  playing alone? playing board games for hours as we did? or doing a group project? … 
Here is an article that clearly explains what is going on in Companies across the U.S. 
These skills cannot be train in adulthood. Our children need to develop  them.